Printable Monthly Attendance Sheet Template for School, Office, Workshop

Download Monthly Attendance Sheet Printable Template for School, Office, and Meeting:

The monthly attendance sheet chart is an important tool to mark the presence, absence, and sick leave of students and employees at school, colleges, or the workplace. Making an attendance sheet is one of the important and foremost tasks for many professionals. For example, for teachers in any type of school, whether it’s high school, college, or middle school, making attendance is an imperative task here. You might be observed in school days how our teacher uses to make register for taking daily attendance. But if you see how using paper and pen for attendance get messy, and very disorganized. Then to substitute the traditional method of taking attendance at first Microsoft Excel comes into existence. That is why here we are providing blank monthly attendance sheet templates to record the presence and absence.

If you use Microsoft Excel or some other templates which are available online here you can update the entry of many fields and also sum up total attendance using a few functions only. Here you can easily update, modify, delete, and add.

Printable Attendance Sheet Template

Advantage of Using a Monthly Attendance Sheet

  • A timely update is possible.
  • In school, it helps to help manage participation in classes, meetings, and events.
  • It helps teachers to track student presence and contribution, as well as the absence or tardiness.
  • Even homeschooled students can use attendance forms to keep accurate records of days that they spent on academic activities.
  • It can be helpful to track visitors to the workplace.
  • Helpful at some tourist place to record visitors’ entry and exit at a church or club gathering.
  • Sometimes if some mishappening happens like any criminal activity then attendance works as proof for any case.

In school, teachers use attendance sheets apart from collecting information also for creating a reward system for younger students, so they are motivated to come to school daily. This may act as awarding rewards for best or most-improved attendance will act as to give incentive. So you can record the data on a monthly attendance sheet chart.

Without maintaining attendance at workshops, classes, or training courses for adults, they may not perform the proper running of the institution. Using an attendance sheet template adds more beauty to the work of this institution. Here, the attendance management team can take feedback from students, staff, organizations for not coming to the workspace.

Steps to Create an Attendance Sheet

  • You can make an attendance sheet by using column headings for student names, dates, and total monthly attendance.
  • You can use rows and columns for listing student names and marking daily attendance.
  • By using my Excel sheet, the SUM formula can be used to calculate totals which can help you to get a quick report on daily and monthly attendance numbers for individual students and the entire class.
  • Creating an attendance sheet for any occasion like a meeting or event, a function you can add other columns for collecting related information like name, date, and so on.

Blank Monthly Attendance Sheet

Using a monthly attendance sheet chart for the attendance sheet will help you to save time. You can also download this template to use free as well as paid ones. You can find many ways to use an attendance sheet like Excel, printable PDF templates, and a daily attendance template for Word. These templates are also specified in different categories for different users like teachers, businesses, entry and exit places, hotels, and many other professions.

The attendance sheet can also be maintained using MS Excel. The latest version is also available on the mobile app store. In-app version Excel is available in the google play store and apple app store which can be easily operated by individuals. After maintaining the attendance sheet, you can easily edit and save it later. For operation this app no specific technical knowledge is important. One can use it just by using a drag and drop. Here, you can enter the month and year as per your requirement. And cell shading can be used to ease your work.

Another way is to simply download and print the attendance sheet template from this page and use the template to mark attendance at your workplace. All printable templates are available in different formats like PNG and JPG. Please let us know if you want a pdf file for the attendance sheet. You can contact us for further inquiries and kindly share your valuable feedback via mail or comment below.

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